Discover the Benefits of Having the Same Attorney for Probate and Estate Planning

Should your Probate and Estate Planning Attorney be the Same?

Probate and Estate Planning: Understanding the Differences Will Planning: Simplifying the Process Preparing a will is a straightforward task that involves outlining your final wishes and instructions for your assets and estate. By hiring an attorney to draft a concise and clear will, you can avoid the need for additional legal assistance during the probate […]

Challenges in Contesting a Will After Probate

Challenges in Contesting a Will After Probate

A Will details how the testator’s property and other valuable assets will be distributed amongst his/her heirs. Testamentary Wills are thought of as the final say of the decedent, making sure it is executed the way the testator wants it to be is paramount. In the event a beneficiary is not happy with his share […]